Give In Memory


Make a meaningful gift in memory of someone special to you

Remember a loved one by making a donation in their name that benefits the Pelham community now and in the future.

If you wish, we can send an acknowledgement to the family to let them know you are thinking of them.
Our tribute cards are also available at many local funeral homes.

Donations can be made in person by cheque or cash, or online.

When you donate please indicate if you would prefer to designate your funds to:

Programs, services, and collections

Your donation funds programs that introduce children to the joy of reading. It brings seniors to the library for life-enriching programs and entertainment. It supplies job seekers with digital technologies, and much more.


The Pelham Public Library Endowment Fund

At Pelham Public Library we are always improving and planning for the future. By donating to this fund you are supporting the library in creating a stable revenue stream outside of the annual Municipal grant.

We are a registered charitable organization.

A Charitable Tax Receipt will be issued for amounts over $10.00.